Our next meeting is next Tuesday, 26th June from 7-8.30pm at St. Andrew's Church Hall, Quadrant Road. The Agenda is as follows:
THCAT Meeting: Tues 26 June, 7-8.30pm at St Andrew's Church Hall
1. Welcome, Health & Safety Briefing and Apologies.
2. Change from recycling boxes to wheelie bins. Propose householders should be given an option to retain existing boxes if these are adequate. - Pavitra Kashani
3. Second Year of People's Health Trust Street Action Project (including photoshoot) - Linda/Gaetane.
4. Growth Fund Bid - Andrea.
5. Community Hub - Andrea.
6. Campaign for Flora Sandes - Andrea.
7. Condition of new paving outside station/Tesco - Andrea/David.
8. New NSO's - Barbara
9. Parks: a) The "3 Parks Challenge" and Friends of the Rec Group - Graham.
b) Trumble Gardens Update - Surel.
10. Updates (If time): a) Pond Update - supplied by Pete
b) In Bloom - Linda
c) Ambassador House Summit - Andrea/Barbara
d) Tesco - Barbara
e) Article 4 - Barbara
f) Thomas Farley and empty shops - Barbara/Mohammed
g) Flytipping - Mohammed
11. Date of Next Meeting.