The lamppost banners on Melfort Road were paid for as part of Thornton Heath Community Action Team’s (THCAT’s) Street Action project and we signed an agreement with Bay Media covering the installation, permissions and maintenance for two years.
We held a competition with banner designs being created by local artists, children and residents of all ages to reflect the fantastic culture and community here in Thornton Heath, with many delivering a positive message about the area.
Last year THCAT covered the cost of continued maintenance of the banners but it is quite a considerable outlay and THCAT is a voluntary organisation without a regular funding stream.
Going forward for us to be able to continue to have the banners up on Melfort Road we are asking for local residents to donate towards the costs if they want to see the banners remain on the lampposts.
The contract was due to finish on September 23 but Bay Media have extended it until October 23 so we have just until then to raise the funds to keep the banners up for another year.
The banners are also part of the Thornton Heath Art Trail.

For more info on THCAT projects visit: