January 2015, revised June 2021  Draft August 2024 (proposed changes highlighted)

a) The name of the organisation shall be THORNTON HEATH COMMUNITY ACTION TEAM (THCAT)


a)  The purpose of THCAT is to take action to improve the local area, contributing to making it cleaner, greener and safer, promoting local involvement in public policy making and service provision at community level.b)  THCAT shall seek to represent and serve the area comprising the Croydon wards of Thornton Heath, Bensham Manor and West Thornton. This area may be narrowed or widened as required by the interests of THCAT

c) The objectives of THCAT include:

  1. Act as a proactive voice on behalf of local communities in the Thornton Heath area, proposing initiatives and identifying specific priorities, problems and possible viable solutions.
  2. Identify, where possible, opportunities for regeneration and investment, whilst also protecting and enhancing the historic and diverse character of the Thornton Heath area.
  3. Identify ways of improving and greening the local environment and amenity.
  4. Use its influence to help promote and market the Thornton Heath area.
  5. Provide a platform for local people to voice their views.
  6. Involve local people in shaping and influencing the policies and programmes of Croydon Council and other relevant agencies.
  7. Understand the needs and aspirations of the Thornton Heath community.
  8. Secure timely consultation with Croydon Council and other relevant agencies and stakeholders to raise awareness of initiatives at local level.
  9. Monitor and comment on the impact of Croydon Council policies, programmes, and performance on the Thornton Heath area.
  10. Promote equality of opportunity in the Thornton Heath area such that all members of the community can partake equally in the life of the community and are able to contribute fully to the work of THCAT.
  11. Promote local events/projects/activities.


a) The committee will be responsible for raising money by various means including utilising co-opted members where necessary.

b) The committee will decide how funds are spent.

c) The committee has the power to remove a member of THCAT if that member fails to uphold the Code of Conduct.

d) The committee will elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson from within the committee.


a)  Membership of THCAT is screened by Admin and shall be non-political and open to any individual, organisation or business with an interest in Thornton Heath and in furthering THCAT objectives, who also accept and abide by the Code of Conduct for THCAT Members at Annex 1 of this Constitution.

b)  Membership will be reviewed after 5 years

c) Members (those who subscribe to THCAT’S mailing list and/or join our Facebook group) have the right to one vote at an EGM or AGM 


a) The Officers of THCAT shall be: Chair, Vice Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer, (plus any others deemed necessary to further the work of THCAT).

b) Application forms (including details of 2 referees) for electing Officers shall be sent to the Secretary/Officer 14 days before the start of an AGM or EGM. The roles of Chair and Vice Chair are determined by the committee once elected.

c) The Officers shall relinquish their office every five years and shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM. The Committee shall have the power to fill casual vacancies occurring among the Officers. There is no maximum term of office.

d) The Committee reserves the right to request further information from nominees regarding their application to serve as an Officer, including photo ID, information regarding association with Thornton Heath, previous experience or expertise that may be relevant, and possible conflicts of interests. Nominees agree to make available relevant information for consideration by the Committee.

e) Existing Officers do not need to re-apply for their position.

f) Officers will be required to provide 3 months’ notice of their intention to step down unless mutually agreed.


a) The Committee shall comprise the Officers of THCAT, with an optimum membership of 9 and a maximum of 15.

b)  The Committee shall appoint a Data Handler and Data Controller to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and other relevant legislation and good practice regarding data.

c)  The Committee shall be responsible for managing and administering THCAT.

d)  The Committee shall aim to hold at least three meetings each year.

e)  All Committee meetings shall be minuted and circulated to Committee members.

f)  Application for election of membership to the Committee should be made on a current application form and sent to the Secretary/another Officer at least 14 days before an AGM and be supported by two references. If the applications exceed the vacancies a ballot shall be held as shall be determined by the Chair. Members of the committee shall be elected at each AGM and outgoing members may be re-elected.

g)  Applicants for Officers must be active members of THCAT taking part regularly in THCAT actions and meetings. As THCAT is a non-political organisation (see section 4) Committee membership is not open to currently serving Councillors or MPs.

h)  The Committee may fill any vacancies that may arise amongst its membership during the year.

i)  All Committee members (except the Chair) shall have the right to vote.

j)  One third of the Committee’s members shall constitute a quorum.

k)  The Chair shall not have a vote, except that in the event of an equality of votes cast at a Committee meeting, the Chair shall have a casting vote.

l)  The Committee shall have the power (subject to satisfactory references) to co-opt to fill any vacancy on the Committee, including temporary membership of individuals whose skills or expertise may be required to facilitate the work of THCAT. Application forms must be completed.

m)  If neither the Chair or the Vice-Chair is present,THCAT shall elect one from its number to preside in an acting capacity.

n)  Where it would help further its objectives, the Committee may seek THCAT membership of other organisations and nominate individual members to represent THCAT in such organisations.

o)  Any Officer absent from three consecutive meetings without sending apologies shall be removed from their position.

p) Officers can be removed from the committee by way of a majority vote of the committee for the following reasons:

Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct

Bringing the organisation into disrepute

Becoming bankrupt.

Financial mismanagement

Moving away from Thornton Heath.

Failure to fulfill the elected role


  a)  THCAT AGMs and public meetings shall be open to anyone to attend.

  b)  An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held one year on from the previous AGM, or as closely as circumstances permit, to receive THCAT Committee’s report, examined accounts, and to elect Officers.

  c)  Each candidate for an Officer post or membership of the Committee must secure a total of 10% of votes  to be elected.

  d)  The Committee shall decide when other public meetings of THCAT shall be held. However, there will be a general aim of holding meetings every 6-8 weeks in addition to the AGM.

  e)  An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be convened at any time by the Chair on behalf of the  Committee or on written request for such a meeting signed by at least 15 members and specifying the business to be transacted. The Committee must convene the EGM within 35 days of receipt of a valid  written request.

  f)  Voting decisions at an AGM, EGM, or ordinary meeting shall be made by simple majority, with the Chair  holding the casting vote (except for Constitutional amendments as outlined in j below).

  g)  Persons may cast only one vote in any THCAT vote. Any person attending in a personal and institutional capacity cannot cast multiple votes.

  h)  Motions submitted at general meetings must be proposed and seconded by members.

  i)  The Chair shall accept motions for consideration and hold votes on valid motions at an appropriate time on the agenda.

  j)  A quorum for a meeting of THCAT where a vote is taken shall be 10 members. Changes to the Constitution can only be considered at either AGMs or EGMs. This Constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting at an AGM or EGM. The notice of the AGM or EGM that considers a constitutional alteration must include notice of the resolution, setting out the terms of the alteration proposed.


THCAT shall ensure that it complies with the law in the United Kingdom and in particular the Equalities Act 2010 and promote equality of opportunity for all individuals to participate in the work of THCAT.


a) THCAT Committee may raise funds and invite and receive grants, subscriptions and donations.

b)  The Committee may open and operate bank accounts in the name of THCAT.

c)  The Committee shall, out of THCAT funds, pay all properly authorised administrative and management expenses. After paying these expenses, the remaining funds shall be applied by the Committee to further THCAT objectives.

d)  All expenses claims must be supported by receipts

e) No expenditure shall be made without the approval of 3 signatories, but if the sum exceeds £1000 then agreement of the committee is required.

f)  THCAT Treasurer shall keep proper accounts, monitor income and expenditure, reporting as required to the Committee and presenting annual accounts independently examined by an independent person to the THCAT AGM.

g)  THCAT financial year shall run from 1st April to 31st March.

h)  Up to three members of the Committee shall be empowered to authorise payments drawn on THCAT’s bank account(s). Signatures of two of these members shall be required on each cheque drawn or payment made.

i) Signatories cannot sign or approve payments to themselves.

 Committee members are expected to complete and sign a declaration of interests form annually. This includes their own financial interests in relevant businesses/industries and those of immediate family members (that they know of). Also, personal interests which might involve a conflict of interest should be declared e.g. roles on other committees.


THCAT may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of eligible members voting at an AGM, EGM, or a General Meeting.

If a motion for the THCAT’s dissolution is to be proposed, specific reference shall be made to this motion when giving notice of the meeting. In the event of dissolution, the THCAT’s available funds shall be transferred to one or more organisations having similar objectives, to be chosen by the Committee. However, any unspent or uncommitted funds given for a specific purpose shall, wherever practicable, be returned to the donor.

On dissolution THCAT minutes and other records could be deposited with Croydon Archives.

Signed………………………………………… Name………………………………… Chair, THCAT

Date: Revisions agreed at AGM on 30th June 2021 and …………

Annex 1

Code of Conduct of Thornton Heath Community Action Team Members (including emails, Facebook group) and social media (THCAT’s or other)

  1.  All members of Thornton Heath Community Action Team must conduct themselves in a way that  does not cause offence to others or bring THCAT into disrepute.
  2.  Members must treat others with respect and must not make remarks or carry out actions that are racist, sexist or derogatory.
  3.  Members must allow others to speak without interruption or other inappropriate behaviour.
  4.  Members must be aware of the agenda and time limits in meetings, keeping their contributions to the point.
  5. Members must be sensitive to the needs of those who may not be used to speaking in public or whose first language is not English.
  6.  Members who feel that this Code of Conduct has been breached should raise the matter with the Chair at the earliest opportunity, for the Chair to take appropriate action, including removal from meetings, THCAT’s social media and/or membership of THCAT.

THCAT committee members are representing the organisation and must also abide by the code of conduct above to promote the good reputation of THCAT within the local community and further afield.