It is almost a year on from when Mayor Jason Perry, attended a hustings event organised by Thornton Heath Community Action Team where we heard …
Councillor Hustings Event Tues 19th April
Ahead of the upcoming local elections, Thornton Heath Community Action Team invites you to our Thornton Heath Councillor Hustings event at St Paul’s Church CR7 …
Footage & minutes from our Croydon Mayor Candidate Hustings event
If you don’t know which way to vote on the 5th May, or are interested in what the candidates for the position of democratically elected …
An invitation to: Croydon Mayoral Candidate Hustings event – 22/03/22
You’re invited to THCAT’s Directly Elected Mayor hustings meeting on Tuesday 22nd March from 7-8.30pm at St. Paul’s Church Hall.