If you want to make Thornton Heath a greener and cleaner place for all please come to our next meeting: When: Monday 7th September. From 7.00pm-8.30pm Where: 41-43 …

Quick wins project
Please support our quick wins project and make a pledge at: https://spacehive.com/quick-wins-for-thornton-heath! We want to make quick and lasting improvements to our High Street. Quick wins …

Result from Day 2: clean up the Clock Tower
Thank you everyone for coming for the 2nd day to clean up the Clock Tower. We picked up rubbish, mixed compost to enrich the soil, watered …

Result from Day 1: planting flowers and clean up the Clock Tower
Inside Croydon have covered our Clock Tower story. Read it here! Thank you everyone for coming and see you at Day 2: 10.30AM 15th August …

Planting flowers at the Clock Tower
Day 1: 10.30AM Saturday 8th August 2015 Day 2: 10.30AM Saturday 15th August 2015 The Clock Tower, Thornton Heath High Street Just a date for the …
Thornton Heath Arts Week
Saturday 18th – 25th July 2015 www.thorntonheathartsweek.co.uk Don’t miss out! View full schedule of events taking place at Thornton Heath Arts Week 2015
Summer Fete 11th Jul2015
There are 2 local events on Saturday 11th July 2015. All welcome! – From 11AM. St Paul’s Church, St Paul’s Road (off Parchmore Rd) CR7 8NB …
Summer Tennis lessons
Monday to Friday from 27th July to 28th August. Tennis court in Trumble Gardens, Lucerne Rd, CR7 7JH 8.45am to 9.30am: 4 & 5 years …

Picnic in the Park
12-4pm Sunday 12 July 2015 Grangewood Park, SE25 Bring your picnics and your friends and join us for a FREE fun activities for all. Bouncy …

Planting flowers at Melfort entrance to the Recreation Ground
Christine and Barbara from our team had another go at filling the planter at the Melfort entrance to Thornton Heath Recreation Ground. The first time the …